IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
17–20 May 2023 // New York area // USA


<p>IEEE INFOCOM2023 will be held in-person on the beautiful campus of Stevens Institute of Technology, across the Hudson River from Manhattan, New York City, USA. While the workshop papers will be presented virtually, the opening ceremony, keynote, panel, main technical sessions, posters and demos will be held in-person. With the return of normalcy from COVID pandemic, we expect all papers at the main conference to be presented in-person. <strong>Only those who cannot travel to the conference due to travel restrictions issued by their national governments or employers will be given the opportunities to present their papers virtually and to register as virtual attendees</strong>. These authors must make their requests to the TPC Chairs (via a form&nbsp;<a href=""> has to be submitted by&nbsp;11:59pm US ET, Tue. Jan. 10, 2023). &nbsp;Upon TPC Chairs' approval, these authors will be given instructions on how to record and upload their presentation videos before the conference. Authors presenting virtually must still attend their technical sessions in real time and answer questions following their presentation videos.&nbsp;In case of changing circumstances, an author who registers as a virtual presenter will be able to request to change to an in-person presentation (via a form To be Available by deadline TBD).&nbsp;Requests will be accommodated on a first-come-first-serve basis according to the meeting venue capacity.</p>

<p>Before registering for the conference, please read the following <a href=" and procedures</a>. If you are ready to start the registration process, then click on the button below.</p>


<p class="rtecenter"><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="" target="_blank">Register Now</a></p>

<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "756-GPH-899", 1021);</script>

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