IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
17–20 May 2023 // New York area // USA

Call For Papers [Main Conference]

Call For Papers [Main Conference]

IEEE INFOCOM is the flagship networking conference of the IEEE Communications Society. Due to residual logistic issues associated with the COVID pandemic, INFOCOM 2023 conference site has been moved to the New York area, USA (from Tokyo, Japan) with new meeting dates of May 17-20, 2023. INFOCOM 2023 will be offered in hybrid mode with the in-person conference to be held on the beautiful campus of Stevens Institute of Technology, across the Hudson river from Manhattan, New York City. After holding INFOCOM virtually for three years, we are excited to be able to offer in-person experience of INFOCOM to our attendees in 2023.

IEEE INFOCOM 2023 solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computer and data communications networks. We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics, spanning both theoretical and systems research. Topics include but are not limited to:

5G and beyond networks
Age of Information
Big data and machine learning for networks
Cellular networks
Cloud computing/mobile cloud computing
Challenged Environments (underwater, underground)
Connected unmanned aerial/terrestrial/underwater systems
Cross-layer optimization and control
Cyber-physical systems
Datacenter networking
Dynamic spectrum sharing
Energy efficiency in networks
Edge and fog computing/networking
Fault tolerance, reliability and survivability
Information security and privacy
Information-centric networking
Interference management and mitigation
Internet architecture
Internet of Things
Localization and location-based services
Medium access control
MIMO-based networking
mmWave, THz, VLC, full duplex communication networks
Mobile sensing and applications
Mobility management and models
Multimedia networking
Network economics and pricing
Network management
Network measurement and analysis
Network security and privacy
Network virtualization
Optical networks
Overlay and peer-to-peer networks
Quality-of-service and resource management
Quantum networking
Router and switch design
Routing and multicast
Scaling laws and fundamental limits
Smart grid applications
Social computing and networks
Software-defined networking
Studies on testbeds and large-scale experimental platforms
Vehicular networks
Web applications and content distribution


IEEE INFOCOM incorporates a rigorous double-blind review process, empowered by a fully automated review assignment system that analyzes the submitted manuscripts and the representative publications of TPC members, and matches the submissions to TPC members’ expertise and interests. The automated review assignment system, termed Erie, is described in the following paper. 

B. Li and Y.T. Hou. “The new automated INFOCOM review assignment system,” IEEE Network, vol.30, no.5, pp.18-24, Sept./Oct. 2016.


Preprints Policy

The submitted manuscript or its title/abstract should not be posted on a public website, such as, or transmitted via public mailing lists. Authors will need to provide consent that their submissions may be subject to an early rejection if it is found to have more than 30% overlap with a single paper available to the public (e.g., arXiv, webpages, etc.).


Anonymous Extended Report Policy

Note that the submitted papers should not refer to an extended/technical report, even if it is anonymous. Please include what you deem to be the most important technical content within the page limitations of the submission.


Conflict of Interests (COI)

Prior to submission please make sure to update your COIs in the EDAS system.

A COI occurs when a person’s objective judgment is — or is perceived by a reasonable observer to be — compromised by an existing relationship, affiliation, or connection to a person whose work they must evaluate.

The following are considered to be specific examples of relationships that produce COIs. Individuals in such relationships should not be involved in peer review of, or making editorial decisions about, materials provided by the related parties.

  • The lifelong relationship between Ph.D. student and Ph.D. supervisor
  • Within the last 24 months or reasonably expected within the next year:
    • Working closely together (e.g., at the same institution, company or organization; or within the same organizational team)
    • Recipients of joint funding or significant professional collaboration
    • Joint authorship of an archival publication
  • Personal or family relationships that would reasonably cause others to doubt impartiality
  • Notable personal or professional rivalry/animosity (publicly known or not)

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE INFOCOM 2023 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore®.

Full details regarding the submission procedures and requirements are available at


Important Dates:

Abstract Due: Mon., July 25, 2022 (11:59pm EDT)

Full Paper Due: Mon., Aug. 1, 2022 (11:59pm EDT)

Notification of Acceptance: Fri., Dec. 2, 2022


Technical Program Chairs

Yusheng Ji (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

Yanchao Zhang (Arizona State University, USA)

Gil Zussman (Columbia University, USA)


Technical Program Vice-Chair for Information Systems

Parth Pathak (George Mason University, USA)

Gold Patrons

Bronze Patrons

Student Travel Grant Sponsors

Local Organizer