The 6th Age of Information Workshop
Organized in conjunction with
IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, 17-20 May 2023
Freshness of information underpins the operation of cyber-physical systems and Internet-of-Things applications that constitute key use cases of next generation communication networks. These use cases span a range of verticals including healthcare, agriculture, and intelligent transportation. Next generation wireless technologies promise links with very low latencies of the order of milliseconds. This and edge computing are key to low-latency networking. However, research on age of information (AoI) metrics has now established that low-latency networking by itself is insufficient to enable freshness. In fact, design principles that underlie current networks must be revisited to ably support the next generation of applications that require fresh information.
This has spurred new research formulations related to AoI in all layers of communication networks and has created an active research community around the topic. Building on the success of the first five AoI Workshops, the 6th Age of Information Workshop (AoI Workshop), which will be held virtually on May 20, 2023 in conjunction with IEEE INFOCOM 2023, invites papers on topics of interest that include, but are not limited to:
- AoI Analysis and Optimization
- Age-based Source and Channel Coding
- AoI and Information Theory
- Real-time Signal Tracking and Estimation
- Age of Channel State Information
- AoI in Robotics and Control Systems
- AoI and Security
- Cross-Layer Design for AoI
- AoI and Distributed Computing
- AoI for IoT
- AoI and Networking
- AoI and Game Theory
- AoI and Control Theory
- AoI and Machine Learning
- Data Freshness in Caches and Databases
- Fresh Big Data
- Fresh Data for Online Learning
- AoI and Operations Research
- Applications of AoI
The AoI Workshop calls for original and previously unpublished papers, up to 6 pages (with the option of 2 extra pages at $100 per extra page). Manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font) and submitted as PDF files (formatted for 8.5x11 inch paper) through the EDAS website:
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: January 2, 2023 January 10, 2023 (FIRM)
Notification of Acceptance: February 6, 2023
Camera Ready: March 6, 2023
Workshop: May 20, 2023
Organizing Committee
General Chairs:
Atilla Eryilmaz (The Ohio State University)
Sastry Kompella (Nexcepta)
Technical Program Co-chairs:
Clement Kam (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)
Ahmed Arafa (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Steering Committee:
Roy D. Yates (Rutgers University)
Eytan Modiano (MIT)
Anthony Ephremides (University of Maryland)
Ness B. Shroff (The Ohio State University)
Yin Sun (Auburn University)
Technical Program Committee
Mohamad Assaad (CentraleSupelec)
Karim Banawan (Alexandria University)
Melih Bastopcu (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Baturalp Buyukates (University of Southern California)
Elif Tugce Ceran (Middle East Technical University)
Jaya Prakash Champati (IMDEA Networks Institute)
Wei Chen (Tsinghua University)
Pingyi Fan (Tsinghua University)
Jie Gong (Sun Yat-Sen University)
I-Hong Hou (Texas A&M University)
Yoshiaki Inoue (Osaka University)
Bo Ji (Virginia Tech)
Zhiyuan Jiang (Shanghai University)
Igor Kadota (Columbia University)
Sanjit Kaul (IIIT Delhi)
Bin Li (The Pennsylvania State University)
Xiaojun Lin (Purdue University)
Jia Liu (The Ohio State University)
Ali Maatouk (Paris Research Center, Huawei Technologies)
Eytan Modiano (MIT)
Omur Ozel (George Washington University)
Nikolaos Pappas (Linköping University)
Yin Sun (Auburn University)
Rajat Talak (MIT)
Di Yuan (Uppsala University)
Opening Session:
Chair: Clement Kam
Keynote Session:
Speaker: Sennur Ulukus, Title: Gossiping for Timeliness, Chair: Ahmed Arafa
Beyond AoI Metrics Session:
Chair: Sastry Kompella